Monday 6 February 2012

Battling again for saloon supremacy

To even think that 10 years ago a saloon car had a chance of challenging the M5 for it's crown as saloon king, you would immediately be hit with the smoke from the BMW's tyres as it leaves you behind. However this year it is not the case, as Mercedes Benz has launched it's new and completely redone CLS 63 Amg to challenge once more the beemer beast.

On paper it looks like a clean win for the M5 with it's 412 kw power plant, compared to the Mercedes 386 kw, and the M5 sprint time of 0-100 km/h in 4,38 seconds, where as the CLS is half a second slower at 4,82 seconds. However on the black top it is not the case the CLS matches the M5 blow for blow and in most cases it even knocks it back. The triple star has 20 more Nm then the M5 making it at 700Nm (as opposed to 680Nm for the BMW). It also manages to convert more power to it's wheels than the M5. In a recent dyno test the beemer lost as much as 16,26% of it's power when transferring it to it's wheels, were as the Merc only lost 9,59% of it's power.

In a sprint race the M5 pulls away from the Amg but only for a short wile, as the power of the Merc edges it forward and on to beat the M5 in a kilometer by half a car length.

On track it is a different story, the CLS 63 Amg 2 ton weight makes it a bit of a lumbering fat boy making it difficult to throw into the corners or hit the apex, were as the BMW M5 on the other hand with it's limited slip diff and significant weight reduction is far more nimble and easier control and drive on a track even if its steering doesn't quite have the same feel as the Merc. Even so the M5 only puts a slightly better time then the Amg.

All in all both cars are closely matched in most aspects and will appeal to a vast majority of hot saloon buyers, but were they differ is what makes the CLS steals the crown. Despite both having their great traits, the Merc has one thing the beemer doesn't, and that is, jaw dropping, mouth watering, eye candy and an engine scream that's next to none.

But whether or not that's enough to sway peoples attention, or die hard M5 fans. We will just have to wait and see.
Post comments on which is your favorite.

Ronald. V. #END

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