Thursday 9 February 2012

The German effect

The Germans are world renowned for there technical advancements in aeronautical and civil engineering and especially in the auto motive industry, however having said that there is one area that the "perfect nation" hasn't been able to grasp yet and that is Passion. Its like showing them a really funny comedy, they just grunt and point at it and say "I don't get it".

You can argue all you want, but the truth of the matter is the Germans do not have the "gen e s qua" of the French, the royal elegance of the British or the style flair and true passion of the Italians. If you don't believe me just look at the Audi the BMW or the Merc its like looking at a finely crafted refrigerator nice but not exciting, and the inside is no different. Sure they have all the techno gizmos and safety features that would make NASA or the lunar module blush, but put it next to a Maserati or a Jaguar and it simply disappears into the blandness of the tarmac.

Despite BMW, Audi and Mercs talent to be as exciting as the inside of an empty refrigerator, there is one German car company that has taken the crown amongst the cold hearts as king unoriginal and that is, Porsche. Straight after ww2 a man (who had created the beetle for VW) decided to create a sports car version using the beetle as a platform and design cue's created the 356, and it was an instant success. So seeing the success they decided to stick to the same recipe FOR THE NEXT 60 YEARS.

In the time since Porsche has been around it's shape hasn't changed that much only morphed slightly on the out side. On the inside is the same, just in a different way. I know it sounds weird but bare with me for a bit. When you step in a lamborghini or a Ferrari you are invited in by flamboyant style of the dashboard, the grab your attention steering or when you climb into a Bentley you are welcomed by wood finishes hand stitched leather that hugs your buttocks as you cruise along. You want to get in.

In the Porsche however when you open the door you are slapped in the face by thousands of switches and gauges for every function known to man. There is no flair, no beautiful shapped dashboard or weirdly shaped gear nob that you can stare at for hours and still be amazed. There's no centre console that commands attention, no instead its like stepping into a swiss watch, works perfectly but its mechanical, clinical no emotion, No no... Passion.

Ronaldo. V.

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